Tuesday, May 30, 2006

THIS WEEK - YSN Library May 29 - June 2

Here is the schedule for when I will be at YSN for this week.
Questions, comments, concerns? .... please email me

Monday 5/29
University Holiday

Tuesday 5/30
See me in Medical Library for assistance - 737-2964

Wednesday 5/31
12:00 - 5:00

Thursday 6/1
See me in Medical Library for assistance - 737-2964

Friday 6/2
Offsite Meeting -- Call the Medical Library for assistance - 737-2964

Complete list of classes

Friday, May 12, 2006

YSN Library May 15 - May 19

Here is the schedule for when I will be at YSN for this week.
Questions, comments, concerns? .... please email me

Monday 5/15

Tuesday 5/16
See me in Medical Library for assistance - 737-2964

Wednesday 5/17
8:30 - 5:00

Thursday 5/18
See me in Medical Library for assistance - 737-2964

Friday 5/19
Out of the Office -- Call the Medical Library for assistance - 737-2964

Complete list of classes

Friday, May 05, 2006

YSN Library May 8 - May 12

Here is the schedule for when I will be at YSN for this week.
Questions, comments, concerns? .... please email me

Monday 5/8
Out of the Office -- Call the Medical Library for assistance - 737-2964
Class 1:00 - 2:00 RefWorks Basics

Tuesday 5/9
See me in Medical Library for assistance - 737-2964

Wednesday 5/10
1:30 - 5:00

Thursday 5/11
1:30 - 5:00
Class 5:00 - 6:00 RSS & Blogs

Friday 5/12
Out of the Office -- Call the Medical Library for assistance - 737-2964
Class 10:00 - 11:00 Library 101

Complete list of classes

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Human Anatomic Variation

You've all heard of Gray's Anatomy?

Well what about an atlas of deviant anatomy -- anatomy that is out of the norm?

Here is an online book that gives variations on normal anatomy -- Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation

Look up a normal anotomical body part, and it will describe the variations that can occur.

There is also a wonderful section on the History of Sectional Anatomy
and some wonderful illustrations such as this one showing deviations of fingers and thumbs. There are may historical references and pictures to enjoy.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

In accordance with a Congressional mandate the National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was established to provide information realted to PTSD in veterans. The center and its website also covers information about active duty military, nonmilitary PTSD syndromes such as those related to accidents, natural disasters, terrorism, and the September 11 attacks.

Recent additions include two guides on Iraq and also a link to the book Disaster Mental health services: A guide book for clinicians and administrators, and a Psychological First Aid Manual.

The site also contains fact sheets for use in clinical situations, research reports, handbooks, and literature on PTSD. The Center has created its own index to literature in the PILOTS database which contains over 28,000 references on the subject.

Mainly because there is so much on the site it can be a little tricky to navigate, but is definitely worth the effort.

See also a report in MMWR on the health hazard evaluation of police and firefighters after Hurricane Katrina

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Inside the brain: interactive tour

Provided by the Alzheimer's Association Inside the Brain: An Interactive Tour contains interactive slides and informative text about how the brain works. The final slides show the brain changes resulting from Alzheimer's disease.

Rolling over the words in the text highlights sections of the image. It's quite a fun and informative show.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Google Scholar Direct Export to RefWorks

You can now set an export preference to send data from Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com/) to your RefWorks account.

To set this feature up in Google Scholar:
1. From the Google Scholar search page, click on the Scholars Preferences link..
2. Scroll down to the Bibliography Manager section.
3. Select Show Links to Import into and select RefWorks from the drop-down.
4. Click Save Preferences.

To initate a direct export to RefWorks:
1. Conduct your search in Google Scholar
2. Each record displayed will have an Import into RefWorks link. Clicking on the link will launch the RefWorks login page.
3. Once you log in, you are brought automatically to the Edit view of the reference. If you do not wish to edit the record, you can navigate to any other area of RefWorks.
4. Your record is stored in your Last Imported Folder.

Note that users can also opt to export to EndNote; BibTeX; and RefMan