Monday, February 11, 2008

Horizon Report 2008 - emerging technologies in higher education

The 2008 Horizon Report is a collaboration between The New Media Consortium and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, An EDUCAUSE Program.

The Horizon Report describes six areas of emerging technology that will have significant impact on higher education within three adoption horizons over the next one to five years. The 2008 report focuses on the following topics;
  • Grassroots Video
  • Collaboration Webs
  • Mobile Broadband
  • Data Mashups
  • Collective Intelligence
  • Social Operating Systems

"Each profiled technology is described in detail in the body of the report, including a discussion of what it is and why it is relevant to teaching, learning, and creative expression. Specific examples are listed there for each of the six topics, consistent with the level of adoption at the time the report was written (December 2007)." (page3)